Bible College Graduation service 16 June 2024 

Graduation June 24 (23)
There was much celebration as  our Bible College closed its 2023/24 academic year with a service to mark the gradation of nine men and one woman from the three year theology course and fifteen women from our Women's Empowerment Project.

Bishop Raphael Haule of Ruvuma Diocese

Graduation June 24 (8)
Bishop Raphael Haule of the Diocese Ruvuma was our guest of honour at the service. His Diocese sends students to the College along with two other Tanzanian Dioceses, because our college is able to teach students about serving in strongly Islamic areas. 

Please click here to see a video of the students' graduation and see more pictures of the joyous day below:Graduation June 24 (19)Graduation June 24 (10)Graduation June 24 (16)Graduation June 24 (2)Graduation June 24 (20)Graduation June 24 (24)Graduation June 24 (4)Graduation June 24 (5)Graduation June 24 (6)Graduation June 24 (9)